The new civic heart of the Aylesbury Estate consists of two buildings framing a new public square. The development will create 122 new homes above a community facility, which includes a public library and commercial space by HTA Design. A Health Centre with an Early Years Facility designed by Morris + Company completes the square.
Aylesbury Square
Aylesbury Square is central to the Aylesbury Estate Regeneration, delivering a new library, health centre and housing around a new civic square.
One Place, Many Stories
How will the new public square benefit the local community and its residents?
The buildings transition in scale from the original 1960s tall buildings on Thurlow Street to the lower buildings of the conservation area. HTA’s 15-storey block on Thurlow Street, a striking addition to our skyline, provides a key local landmark, acting as a wayfinding point for the public and providing visual interest. The façade materials contrast the surrounding warm grey and buff brick tones with a white precast concrete grid, designed as folded forms to add depth and texture, creating a visually captivating ensemble.
The housing has a variety of tenures and a mix of apartment sizes, including 23 apartments mindfully designed for people over 55 years of age. Fundamental to the application proposals are new streets that connect the site to its surrounding context, improving permeability across the local area. This street-based approach will ensure that the development knits in seamlessly with the surrounding city, creating a place that is recognisably part of Walworth and part of London.
Landscape Design
How does Aylesbury Square contribute to the overall urban development and regeneration of the area?
Aylesbury Square, the largest square within the estate, sets the foundations for the masterplan. It will provide a new legacy for the area and be the focal point for community activity. Aylesbury Square has been designed to strongly relate to the two new buildings that enclose it, acting as a unifying element and providing spillout spaces within an attractive setting.
Public spaces include a new civic entrance corridor that connects the library and health centre entrances. There will also be a human-scale gathering space outside the café, a ‘mini square’ adjacent to Liverpool Grove Conservation Area, and a main active space containing dynamic fountains. The square is designed with community events in mind, providing flexibility in the layout and easy accessibility.