Yeni Ope-Ewe
Architectural Assistant
BArch (Hons)
Yeni is an experienced Architectural Assistant who has a passion for regeneration and residential design. She demonstrates a developed understanding of technical, policy and legislative constraints whilst also being able to maintain a design and quality focus.
Since joining HTA, she has worked across several different residential led regeneration projects at all stages. This includes work from concept stage, working closely with local councils and stakeholders to develop strategies for masterplans and new developments, through to later stage technical design, coordination with consultants, and individual package delivery for large mixed-use and mixed-tenure developments.
Outside of projects, Yeni is actively developing a wider profile within the industry, organising discussions and events across the practice, involving clients and contractors, actively promoting the role of women in architecture, engaging with schools, and leading on local social enterprise projects.
Yeni maintains a professional and inquisitive approach to her work that has stood her in good stead as she has moved through her architectural apprenticeship towards her qualification as an Architect.