Julia Halasz
Senior Chartered Landscape Architect
CMLI, MA Landscape Architecture; Certificate in Landscape Design, BA Architectural studies

Julia is a Chartered Landscape Architect with 9 years’ experience delivering multiple high-quality urban regeneration schemes in the UK. She joined HTA in 2021 and has been involved in several notable projects. Her involvement has ranged from pre-planning through to construction, including Dagenham Green for Peabody and Rotherhithe Reach for Notting Hill Genesis. Julia is also taking a leading role in the delivery of South Quay Plaza 4 at construction for Berkeley Homes.
Julia’s knowledge of BIM helps her to elevate this competency within the landscape team and she has become key to delivering BIM related projects through various work stages.
Julia’s focus is on shaping the urban landscape of the city she calls home by creating beautiful and sustainable green spaces for Londoners. She has a keen eye for detail, is proactive in problem solving, and enjoys working collaboratively to achieve high-quality design solutions for her projects.