Towards Net Zero pt 1

15 Mar 2022

Recognising that we won’t succeed on our own, four practices specialising in housing design, HTA Design (HTA), Levitt Bernstein Architects (LBA), Pollard Thomas Edwards (PTEa) and PRP Architects (PRP), are collaborating to enhance our delivery of design and other services to housing clients, with the intention of supporting them in the process of decarbonising their development and renovation programmes and improving social value. We believe that it is in the housing sector above all that comparable data obtained through feedback will be most useful and that there are mutual benefits from a shared endeavour.

So having agreed on a shared methodology, based on the RIBA’s 2030 Climate Challenge and Social Value Toolkit, we are looking to engage our clients to work with us by agreeing and monitoring environmental objectives at key stages in the project lifecycle and then testing to see to what extent these have been achieved, and thus what lessons are to be shared, in post occupancy evaluation (POE).

We envisage four stages of POE:

Stage 1. Initial visit for observational survey and door knocking (with or without introduction to questionnaire dependent on whether Stage 2 is envisaged)
Stage 2. Questionnaire – a half hour one-to-one which can also be answered online.
Stage 3. Environmental monitoring – using remote equipment that feeds data over the internet.
Stage 4. Optional Diagnostic stage – only applicable where specific issues emerge requiring further investigation.

We have begun the process of testing this guidance in use with our clients and welcome comments, contributions and participation from anyone interested to help enhance the process, contribute to the effort and help spread the practice of coherent target setting and feedback of outcomes in housing.

Download the report here